Encrypting files in Linux with mcrypt

By default Linux systems do not ship with the mcrypt utility. At least not CentOS or Ubuntu that is.

In Ubuntu installing mycrypt is just a matter of running the following command:
apt-get install mcrypt

In CentOS 5.5 mycrypt is not included in the distribution’s repositories because when I ran yum install mcrypt it installed the php-mcrypt packages along with the libmcrypt and libmcrypt-devel. But it didn’t actually included the actual mcrypt userland application. This meant I had to install the package from source. Installing mcrypt from source required an additional library called mhash to be installed. After that dependency was installed then it was just a matter of executing the following commands to install mcrypt:

make install

Once installed then, encrypting a file can be done with the following command:
mcrypt filetoencrypt

Mcrypt will prompt you for a secret keyphrase to use to decrypt the file.
Mcrypt creates the encrypted file with a .nc enxtension. To decrypt the file simply run the following command:
mcrypt -d filetoencrypt.nc

If you don’t want to specify your secret passphrase every time you encrypt/decrypt a file, you can create a user mcrypt config file on ~/.mcryptrc with the following contents in it:
key yourultrasecurepassphrasehere


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