2016 Presidential Election One Week Later

Fuck Christianity, Trumpism is the largest religion in this country. A big part of my anger towards Donald Trump, aside the fact that he’s a liberal conman; was that I saw his Republican nomination essentially as a gift towards an imminent Hillary Clinton presidency. Man was I mistaken! I despise the corrupt scum of Hillary Clinton, it took a near perfect storm for her to lose the election. From the nightmare of what is illegal immigration, to people being fed up of the current political correctness environment, to WikiLeaks, to the FBI email server investigation, and to more importantly people wanting to see a change from the current political establishment in this country. However, as someone who is rational, I’m still not convinced whether Trump is the wise choice.

People follow the populists and stupidity is contagious. Donald Trump is the perfect example. After this presidential cycle, it’s become quite clear to me that no matter what political spectrum you fall in; left, right, or in between. People vote based on their feelings, rather than based on facts.

“I love the poorly educated.”

“Believe Me.”

I really should be happy because Hillary lost. After all it’s been somewhat fun to see some liberal’s stupid reactions of Trump winning the election.  However I see Trump, and I simply don’t know were the fuck this man seriously stands on issues or how easily he’s influenced by others. Possibly a positive side-effect of Trump is the fact that Republicans now control both the Senate and House of Representatives. So now it’s up to real conservatives to stand up against any possible Trump liberal or interventionist agenda. Thankfully people like Rand Paul are already starting do so. I really want to be optimistic for the next four years, but I have a feeling I’m going to be one of those people that says “Haha, I told you so…”.

“I’m very capable of changing to anything I want to change to.”

To conclude. I really should be excited, I’ll just ignore the stuff were our civil liberties will be violated. After all according to Trump, America is going to be great again. We’re going to build a wall, and get rid off rapist illegal aliens. He’s going to make really good trade deals because he’s an amazing deal maker and businessman. I’m so pumped to finally find out what the “secret” plan is to defeat ISIS is. I very much looking forward towards seeing Hillary Clinton be put in jail; lock her up. Obamacare is going to be repealed. I mean, with Trump theirs going to be so much winning, we’re going to get sick of winning…..
Sarcasm aside, believing Trump’s promises is a lot like believing Santa Claus still exists. So for a grown adult to do so, you have to be an absolute moron. Which according to last week’s election, theirs about 60 million of them.

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