Never Trump

I’ve been relatively quiet about the election these past few weeks, mainly because it’s depressing see how moronic Trump supporters are. I’ve taken Hillary out of the equation since the mere fact of supporting what is possibly the most corrupt and less transparent presidential candidate; automatically makes you a fucking moron.

So we’re on the eve to what is the most horrible presidential election of my lifetime so far. This nightmare of a presidential election started back in June of 2015 when Donald Trump announced his candidacy.  Which at the time, I didn’t take seriously, and man was I mistaken. Little that I knew that both liberal and conservative media were going to jump straight on the Trump bandwagon. For the liberal media it was understandingly, but it’s been absolutely disgusting to see the “conservative” media be in the tank for Donald Trump.

All my adult life, I always thought the left were bunch of morons. However thanks to Donald Trump. The right can also be equally if not more retarded. Given Donald Trump’s history and ongoing stand on policies, the fact that this liberal conman got the Republican Presidential nomination; has to be one of the greatest scam in modern politics.

To understand Trump’s popularity you have to understand how he got the nomination. Trump has received between 2 and 3 billion dollars of free advertisement. This means that for the media outlets, a Trump presidential run meant fantastic business (ratings). However I was shocked to see that all major “conservatives” were also on the tank for Trump. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Trump is NOT a conservative, but a pathological liar, and that a Trump presidency will make it easier for a liberal agenda.

It’s absolutely mind boggling to see Trump claim that the election is rigged by the mainstream media, and by the big banks. When in fact, the media turned him into a celebrity for decades and now boosted his presidential candidacy by giving him free advertisement, while the banks saved him from financial failure! What’s even more fucking shocking is seeing other so called “libertarians” support this liberal conman! How the fuck they don’t see Trump as a dangerous authoritarian that poses a great threat to our civil liberties is beyond amazing.

When I first heard the above clip a few weeks ago, I was completely dismayed. Hearing Rush Limbaugh saying that he didn’t took Trump seriously on his policies during the GOP primaries made me absolutely furious. I was once a massive Limbaugh fan, and if their was a conservative figure that could’ve destroyed Trump from the begging and prevented this fucking cancer to grow to what it is right now, it would’ve been Rush Limbaugh. Unfortunately, Rush decided to sit on his hands and the rest is history.

I honestly tried really hard to like Trump. I even told myself, maybe this old man, all his life faked being a liberal, only to near end of his life turning conservative for the good of our country. My theory only lasted a couple of minutes. It only takes a couple of Google searches, and reading Trump’s Twitter timeline to realize the man is a liberal conman who duped the Republican base to giving him the nomination.

Practically identical to John Ziegler’s, my evolution on Donald Trump went as follow:

  • Initial outraged – called him a cunt
  • Confound confused – saw him rise in the GOP primaries
  • Hopeful skeptic – for a moment thought maybe he was the anti-establishment politician we needed
  • Dumbfounded disgust – realized he is a complete conman
  • Frustrated acceptance – realized Trump supporters are a bunch of fucking idiots
  • Confused fear – realized Trump doesn’t have a change in hell of beating Hillary Clinton
  • Abject anger – fuck the conservative media


Donald Trump embodies the reason I’m an agnostic. We all had science class in school, and in our projects we learned about the scientific theory experiment on which we observed a problem, trough initial observation set hypothesis for our experiment, then we finally did our experiments to verify whether our hypothesis was conclusive or nor. In the real world this teaches us to be curious or question things in life. This means we should research about that subject we have in questioned, and try to concluded our findings. This correlates exactly with Trump supporters. They simply ignore basic rational, and want to believe in the things they desperately want to be truth.

I utterly despised the liberal mainstream media, but after this election I hate the so called “conservative” media even more. After Trump clinched the GOP nomination, it was all over for the general election. Hillary will win (If you don’t believe this, either you’re completely clueless about American politics, or you’re a fucking idiot). We only have the following frauds to blame:
FUCK YOU Sean Hannity
FUCK YOU Matt Drudge
FUCK YOU Steve Bannon
FUCK YOU Alex Jones

The only silver lining in all of this is the #NeverTrump people. It makes me happy to see that they’re conservatives out there that didn’t drank the Trump kool-aid and called him out on his bullshit. It’s been a breath of fresh air watching or listening major conservative people like Ben Shapiro, Megyn Kelly, Glenn Beck (who I used to despise), and John Ziegler. Of whom all mentioned the latter one completely revolutionized my politics as a teenager and even now as an adult.

On the last election, I angrily ranted about how Mitt Romney not working harder enough to convince Ron Paul supporters to vote for him. Now I wished Romney was our option instead of the liberal conman. I would NEVER vote for Hillary Clinton (or for any democrat candidate for that matter), and I’d rather drink my own piss than for voting for Donald Trump. I mailed by ballot last week, so needless to say I voted for neither Clinton or Trump.

My only hope is for a majority Republican congress so it can nullify what will some potential awful liberal Clinton policies instead of having a Republican congress rollover a Trump liberal agenda.
But more importantly I want Trump to lose BIG so that a clear message is given to all the fucking idiot Trump supporters that their false messiah was heavily rejected by the people.

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